Over the years I started to keep track of when my infections would start. I began entering them as recurring entries into my calendar with a one week reminder so I could anticipate them. Nothing seemed to help for years. But this year I took on a regimen that has been working well so far.
The trouble always starts around allergy season when I get a little stuffed up. My sinuses swell up. I get a bit of nasal backdrop and overnight I'm in hell. So the logical path was to prevent the allergic reaction first. For that I started taking Claritin but I quickly found that if I missed a single day or caught it a day late I would end up in the same trouble. I would then need some way to keep my sinuses draining. Claritin D helped but night times were not easy to deal with. That's when I started adding a night time spray. I use Afrin but I don't recommend using it more than a few nights as apparently it is very habit forming. I should stop here and say that I am NOT a doctor and have absolutely no medical background so none of what you read in this post is a recommendation, just my experience. Anyway, my symptoms were still not fully gone so I had to add DayQuil twice a day. I don't like NyQuil because it makes me drowsy and I don't feel like I am getting a restful sleep. Also, with all my symptoms gone I don't need to be knocked out like that. So this year my routine has been:
- One Clartin D daily
- Two doses of Dayquil, one in the morning one at night. (Two pills per dose)
- Salt water gargle and/or neti pot
- One spray of Afrin in each nostril before bed each night for three nights. I never exceed 3 nights for fear of the habit forming qualities. Look it up!
- Frequent hot showers and hot sauna if I can get it
- A mixed herbal rubbing oil that helps with breathing at night
- I also make it a point to get a 1 hour workout each morning and get a good sweat going
I know this seems drastic, but using this routine I can beat an oncoming infection in 2-4 days. Otherwise I would be dealing with it for weeks and that would mean taking more antibiotics and tons more drugs to recover. If you have been dealing with severe chronic infections you know exactly what I mean. This is a relatively simple routine and I really believe all the components are necessary as I have tried tweaking it with less than optimal results.